Booking Terms and Conditions for Vertikalverket


  1. Age Limit and Consent:
    • The age limit for participation in Vertikalverket's courses is 15 years.
    • Individuals under 18 years of age must have consent from a guardian to participate.
    • For youths under 15 years of age, special arrangements can be made in the company of an adult.
  2. Cancellation and Refund Policy:
    • In case of cancellation up to 2 weeks before the course starts, a booking fee of 20% of the course fee will be charged.
    • For cancellations closer than 2 weeks before the course starts, 80% of the course fee will be invoiced.
    • In case of illness, the full amount will be refunded upon presentation of a medical certificate.
  3. Cancelled Arrangements:
    • Vertikalverket reserves the right to cancel or reschedule an arrangement due to adverse weather conditions, illness, or other circumstances.
    • In the event of a cancelled arrangement, the full amount will be refunded.
  4. Payment Terms:
    • Interest according to the Interest Act and any reminder fees will be charged for late payments.
  5. Insurance and Liability:
    • Climbing always involves some level of risk, and it is important to be aware of this. Participation in our courses is voluntary, and participants are responsible for their own participation and for following safety instructions.
    • Participants are expected to have their own accident and health insurance. A standard home insurance policy usually provides coverage, but it is the participant's responsibility to verify the insurance coverage.
    • Membership in a club affiliated with ”Svenska klätterförbundet” provides good insurance coverage.
    • Safety is always our top priority, and it is essential to follow the instructor's instructions during the activity.

By booking and participating in our courses, you accept these booking terms and conditions.

Privacy Policy for Vertikalverket


At Vertikalverket, we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, store, and protect personal data obtained from our customers and users of our service.


  1. Collection and Use of Personal Data
    We collect and use personal data to manage bookings, send invoices, and communicate with our customers regarding their bookings and other relevant matters. The personal data we collect may include names, social security numbers, telephone numbers, email addresses, and addresses.

  2. Storage and Protection of Personal Data
    Personal data is stored in our internal accounting system and email system, both of which are password-protected and accessible only to authorized users. We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, alteration, dissemination, or destruction.

  3. Sharing of Personal Data
    Our auditors have access to our accounting system to assist us with financial matters. They have access only to the personal data necessary to perform their duties and are bound by confidentiality agreements.
  4. Rights of Customers
    Customers have the right to request access to their personal data and request correction, restriction, or deletion of the data. Upon request for deletion, we will remove the customer's personal data from our records, except where required for legal or administrative purposes.
  5. Data Breaches and Security Incidents
    In the event of a data breach or security incident affecting customer personal data, we will take appropriate measures to inform affected parties and minimize any potential harm. By using our services, you consent to us collecting and processing your personal data in accordance with this privacy policy.

By booking and participating in our courses, you accept these privacy policy.